900g Chicken carcas and giblets
10g salt
1200g Water
80g Carrots
40g Leeks
60g Onions
40g Celery
20g Parsley/ Parsley stocks
2 bay leaves
1 spring of thyme
Bring team A into a medium Pot on high heat untill it starts simmering. Keep it simmering whilst skimmin carefully every 3-4 minutes until most of the impurities are gone.
Add team B in the pot and keep it simmering for a further 60 minutes. Keep and eye on it that the temprature doesn't go too high. Also keep skimming removing any extra impurities that come up to the surface. After the time is up, pass it through a fine sieve and let it cool down completely. Then skim the top layer which will be all the fat if you want and freeze to reserve for future preparations.
Have a look how we utilised a whole chicken where we got our trimming as well and how we gonna use it on our youtube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/@yanniskalafatis