Most of us get on flights quite often or at least once a year, either to visit our families or for leisure, in order to escape the daily routine. However, I feel like we do not appreciate what we see up there. It is a great opportunity to have a deeper look on what is above the clouds, the ones we see on our daily life from down there. Being at work or not, either it is raining or being cloudy, most of the time in the United Kingdom.
Let's have a look at the sun, the clouds, the wind affecting them, shades, contrast, colours, brightness and all those things that have a story to tell. Before companies would experiment enough so we can fly out of planet Earth, that is the closest thing for us to see that is similar to space or out of atmosphere. Until those flights become affordable, that's what I call 'Gold in front of our eyes!'. We do not even realise it though. We focus on safety and our comfort zone, the babies crying around in the plane, a bad experience, a bad service, a bumpy flight but how about looking a bit further around us?!
I have been talking about the vast sea, infinite oceans and how amazing they are or how big they are. On the other hand look at the pictures below! That's a definition of outnumbered clouds and it is enormous!!! Yet, it is rather dangerous! If you are in the sea, we learn how to swim and in the worst scenario, you will be rescued. How about the sky though? We humans are heavy so you would only fall like a potato and without the equipment needed, you would keep falling. Also, think about that we fly in a tube with compressed air. Such a tiny thing we are. Watching all that through a small window. Imagine feeling all those things around you, like swimming in the sea!
Moreover, we can have a look and stare at the sky from below. Spend some time staring at it and enjoy the details and the movement or the energy of them around us. How about the details from above the sky and our vision piercing the clouds and reaching further? You can see every single bit through them. That being the ground, houses, towns, the sea, vehicles, mountains, snow, reflections of the sunlight. Thinking of all that makes me feel fascinated by them and dream. Nearly all of us go through those experiences so lets sophisticate them a bit further. Let me know what you think about our perception on this article below the last image on the comments. Also, you can join our little community by becoming a member for free. LETS FLY AND ENJOY FREEDOM!
Gold in front of our eyes!